A One Day Virtual Workshop Retreat Experience

Claim Your Space: Intentional Roadmap to Visibility and Impact

in Q2 2024

No one can claim your spot in the market but YOU. Show up, shine brightly, and move boldly with purpose.

Okay, let's get real.

When are we going to throw away the badge of being "the best kept secret"? 🤔

It sounds prestigious, doesn't it?

Like a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.

But let's face it – in the bustling marketplace of today, being a "secret" means you're sitting on the sidelines.

It means potential clients, who could genuinely benefit from your brilliance, are passing you by... not because they don't need what you offer, but because they simply don't know you exist.

"Best kept secret" is not a badge of honor; it's a barrier to your growth and impact. It's a sign that we've prioritized safety over success, comfort over visibility.

And hey, it's understandable. Stepping into the spotlight can feel daunting.

The fear of judgment, of not being "enough," or simply the overwhelm of where to start can keep us hiding in plain sight.

But here's the truth: The world needs your unique voice, your solutions, and your story.

Now, more than ever, it's time to shed the cloak of invisibility and step boldly into the light.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Live on Private Zoom Call

10am -2pm Pacific Time

11am - 3pm Mountain Time

1pm - 5pm Eastern Time

Recording Available If You Cannot Attend Live

Success doesn't just happen by chance.

It’s crafted with intention, strategy, and a hefty dose of realism.

Shine Boldly Retreat, where your path to visibility and success is not just a dream – it's a strategic blueprint waiting to be realized.

  • Eager to Ditch the “Best Kept Secret” Status: You're done with flying under the radar and ready to claim your space in the spotlight.

  • Seeking Realistic Strategies: You’re all in for setting achievable goals that stretch your potential and drive measurable progress.

  • Desiring Accountability: You value the push that comes from being part of a community that holds you to your highest standard.

  • Committed to Taking Action: You’re not just interested in learning; you’re poised to implement, test, and refine your strategies in real-time.

and is ready for...

  • A Quarter Defined by Action, Not Aspirations: Where your goals transition from the drawing board to the real world.

  • Visibility That Feels Authentic: Showcasing your unique voice and story without compromising on your values.

  • Tangible Progress: Seeing the needle move, with a community cheering every step of your journey.

...Then, the Shine Boldly Retreat isn’t just an option – it’s your next step.

Q2 is Your Time to Thrive

As we step into Q2, we're entering a season of action and abundance. It's not just a time on the calendar;

It's a powerful phase of renewal and growth. Here’s why Q2 is your launchpad for success

  • A Season of Abundance: With people ready to invest and engage, Q2 is ripe with opportunities. Your audience isn't just willing; they're eager to discover solutions that resonate with their needs and aspirations.

  • Spring into Action: Just as the natural world awakens in spring, your hard work starts to bloom. The strategies and groundwork laid in the shadows now push through the soil, ready to be seen and celebrated. This visible growth mirrors your journey – it's time for your efforts to be recognized and rewarded.

  • Beyond Tactics and Strategies: While you may have an arsenal of tactics at your disposal, the key to sustainable growth lies deeper. It’s about confronting and overcoming the barriers that have held you back – those pink elephants in the room.

  • Moving with Intention and Speed: This quarter, our focus is not just on moving forward but accelerating with purpose. By addressing past obstacles, we pave a clearer, more effective path to your goals, avoiding the detours of old behaviors.

The Shine Boldly Retreat:

Your Catalyst for Q2

This retreat is designed with the specific energy and opportunities of Q2 in mind. We're here to ensure that this quarter marks a turning point for you – one where visibility, growth, and impact are not just goals but realities.

  • Address the Pink Elephants: Together, we'll confront the challenges that have kept you from shining fully. It’s time to dismantle those barriers and step into a space of empowered visibility.

  • Embrace Growth: By harnessing the natural momentum of Q2, we'll focus on strategies that leverage this season's unique potential for growth and visibility.

  • Foster Intentional Action: With a blend of tactical knowledge and deep introspection, we'll refine your approach to ensure every step is taken with clear intent, maximizing your impact and reach.

As the world around us flourishes, let's ensure your personal and professional growth does the same.

The Shine Boldly Retreat is not just an event; it's your springboard into a quarter defined by breakthroughs and abundant achievements.

Shine Boldly with this intentional and joyful experience

  • Access to Retreat Recordings: Missed a moment or want to revisit a transformative session? (Available for 72 hours)

  • Companion Workbook: This isn’t just any workbook. It’s your roadmap, filled with exercises, notes, and reflections that align with each session, designed to deepen your learning and application.

  • Direct Zoom Link Access: No overcrowded webinars here. Enjoy close-knit, direct access that makes it feel like you're right there in the room with us, enabling a personal connection and real-time interaction.

  • Visibility Strategy + Coaching with Carrie: Benefit from personalized coaching sessions with Carrie, your guide and mentor on this journey.

  • Access to 5 Experts to help you move faster

  • Actionable Bonuses that will uplift you and provide practical tools for continued growth and visibility

The Shine Boldly Retreat is crafted to offer more than just knowledge; it's an experience aimed at catalyzing your growth, visibility, and business success.

Our Super Epic


Solera Cheng

Finding Joy & Creating Space to become a Wealth Magnet

Brittany Long

How to Automate it All: The Key to moving Faster is Leveraging AI

Heather Rosson

Letting Go of the Should's and set your own expectations based off YOU

Kristen McCall

You can actually juggle it all: How to be extremely intentional in every choice.

Tye Miles

How to create your own reality, and truly LIVE your life by adding your blinders.

Set Your Vision, Make it Plain




4 Hours of LIVE Strategic Coaching

Join Carrie and five epic experts for a whirlwind of actionable insights and fun, designed to propel you into Q2 like never before! This isn't just coaching; it's a strategic party aimed at setting you up for monumental success.

Shine Boldly Retreat Workbook

More than just pages, this is your interactive roadmap to brilliance. Packed with exercises, reflections, and secret strategies, it’s your key to unlocking a quarter filled with purpose, visibility, and joy.

Exclusive Retreat Replay Access (72 Hours)

Fear of missing out? Not here! Catch up on every golden nugget of wisdom with replay access. It’s your 72-hour pass to relive the magic and mine every session for all its worth.

Retreat Surprise Goodies

Who doesn’t love surprises? Especially when they're crafted to delight and inspire you long after the retreat ends. Expect the unexpected and get ready to be wowed!

Your Essential Retreat Setup Guide

Get the inside scoop on making the most out of this retreat with our Setup Guide. It’s your secret weapon to maximize engagement, comfort, and impact.

Facebook Community Support

Dive into a community that gets it. Our Facebook group is a space for connection, support, and shared growth. You’re not just joining a retreat; you’re becoming part of a movement.

Carrie's Shine Bright Playlist:

Music is the heartbeat of inspiration. Get exclusive access to Carrie’s handpicked playlist that’ll keep your energy high and your spirits soaring. Let’s make motivation musical!

Guided Breathwork Session

Take a moment to breathe in success and exhale doubt. Our guided breathwork session is designed to center your focus, clear your mind, and prepare you to shine from within.

And the Best Part? It’s Completely Free!

Yes, you read that right. This experience, designed to catapult you into a quarter of unmatched growth and visibility, is on the house. Consider it our gift to you – because we believe in your potential to Shine Boldly.

Make Q2 your most impactful quarter yet.

Shine Boldly Retreat Is Unique

This retreat is more than just a day of learning; it’s a carefully crafted experience aimed at propelling you forward with confidence, clarity, and a sense of community.

Shine Boldly Retreat is not just an event; it's a clarion call to all the incredible entrepreneurs ready to ditch the shadows and claim their rightful space in the market.

Are you with us? Because this, right here, is your moment to transform "the best kept secret" into "the name on everyone's lips."

🌟 Inside Our 4-Hour Powerhouse Retreat: 🌟

  • Crafting Your Reality (Detours Included!): Making your dreams your reality, where detours aren't setbacks but scenic routes to success. We're talking serious strategy on how to stay focused, dodge distractions, and rock those blinders like a boss.

  • Intentionality Is Key: Every move you make, every action you take, we'll be showing you how to infuse it with intention.

  • Becoming a Wealth Magnet: This isn’t just about making bank—it’s about cultivating a mindset that draws opportunities and prosperity like a magnet.

  • Falling Head Over Heels with Your Roadmap: It's all about creating a plan that not only excites you but motivates you to jump out of bed in the morning.

  • Setting Goals That Spark Joy: Marie Kondo your goals and expectations for yourself and your business. We're not just setting goals; we're sparking joy, passion, and a fire under your aspirations.

  • Dominating Q2 with Visibility Strategies: Ready to make Q2 your stage? We're laying down the visibility strategies that will not only put you in the spotlight but ensure you're the act no one can take their eyes off.

  • Benching Your Pink Elephants: Those pesky doubts and fears? They're getting sideline seats. We're focusing on the game, where you're the MVP, and those pink elephants are nothing but spectators.

Meet Your Hostess & Retreat Lead

Hi! I'm

Carrie Rene Thomas

I've worked with some of the best brands in the world, curating and creating visibility plans for brands ranging from Subway (where I worked with over 400+ restaurants) to YouTube influencers who wanted to tap into new markets and audiences to Wellness Entrepreneurs who want to create businesses that aligned with their mission and vision for the future.

I've been obsessed with figuring out how to help small businesses get their voice out where WITHOUT having to hire a huge team since I have start business in 2019.

100+ of clients , 4+ years in business and 6++ Figures in revenue later, I've pinpointed what it is that helps people get in front of the right people people who convert with our 1:1 clients- and now?

I got You the tips and tricks, you can try'em, too! This with me is just small part of your year. If you're willing to invest that, you'll get my mindset shifts to get CLEAR on what makes you special and how to value it - even if your market's saturated- and yes even if you hate social media and getting on videos (or even you don't even have a idea of what you should be doing on social media)

My goal for you in this retreat?

At the heart of the Shine Boldly Retreat is a singular, powerful goal: to empower you to claim your space with confidence, intention, and strategy.

This is what I specialize in and what I find join in doing.- it's worth it, I promise. Find a time that works for your busy schedule and lets get it done. Its time to change your relationship with content and fall in love,

Let's make this retreat your

launching pad to a quarter

With actionable insights, real-talk on overcoming obstacles, and strategies that are both fun and effective, you're not just preparing for Q2—you're setting the stage for the most epic quarter yet.

No matter if you're a seasoned business owner, just embarking on your entrepreneurial path, or finding your stride somewhere in between

Shine Boldy Retreat is right for you.

launching pad to a quarter

If you got questions, I got the answers

Who is this retreat for?

This retreat is for anyone looking to step out of the shadows and into their full potential. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner, just starting your entrepreneurial journey, or somewhere in between, if you're ready to amplify your visibility and impact, this retreat is designed for you.

How do I access the retreat?

You’ll receive a direct Zoom link upon registration, giving you intimate and direct access to the live sessions. Ensure you’ve downloaded Zoom and have a stable internet connection for the best experience. Important: make sure you whitelist our email (if you use Gmail, drag the email to your Primary folder). In the days leading up the retreat you'll get access to the Zoom link and to download the retreat workbook and all the bonus goodies.

Is this a live event?

Yes, the Shine Boldly Retreat is a live, interactive event where you’ll engage in real-time with Carrie and a lineup of epic experts. Get ready for a dynamic day of learning, growth, and connection! (But done all virtually!)

What do I need to do to prep for this retreat?

Upon registration, you’ll receive a Retreat Setup Guide detailing everything you need to prepare. This includes setting up a comfortable space, downloading any necessary materials, and any pre-retreat reflections or exercises to get you in the perfect mindset for transformation.

When does the retreat start and end?

The retreat kicks off at 9 AM and concludes at 1 PM, giving you four hours of packed content and interactive experiences. Mark your calendar and prepare for a day that’s as rewarding as it is enlightening!

Will there be replays available?

Yes, you’ll have access to the retreat replays for 72 hours after the event concludes. This allows you to catch up on anything you missed or revisit your favorite segments.

Can I interact with the speakers during the retreat?

Absolutely! We encourage live questions and interactions during the sessions. This is your chance to get personalized insights and advice from our experts.

What if I have technical issues during the event?

We’ll have a technical support team on standby to assist you with any issues that may arise, ensuring you have a seamless retreat experience.

Is there any follow-up support after the retreat?

Join our exclusive Facebook community for ongoing support, networking, and additional resources. Plus, Carrie and the team will offer follow-up opportunities to keep the momentum going!

The Shine Bright Pledge

Welcome to a world where stepping out of the shadows isn't just a dream—it's your destiny. When you step into my world, you're not just gaining access to tools, courses, and trainings; you're embracing a forceful nudge towards your own brilliance.

Here's my promise to you:

  • I pledge to arm you with everything you need to emerge from the sidelines, but I'll never throw you directly into the sun without preparation. Instead, I'll guide you into the shade—a space where you can grow, adapt, and start to truly sparkle.

  • But here's the thing about the shade—it's only temporary. It's just a beginning. There will come a moment, under my guidance, when that shade will seem too small for all your brilliance. That's when you'll find yourself stepping out, not because you have to, but because you're ready to bask in the fullness of your light.

  • My ultimate goal? To show you how to Show Up and Shine Bright. To ensure that when you do step into the sun, you're not just visible; you're radiant.

  • This is more than a journey; it's a transformation. And it starts now, with a commitment to not just chase the light but to become

Quarter 2 doesn't have to be a continuation of the status quo

This experience can the launching pad for your boldest, most vibrant self yet, stepping into the sun and truly shining bright.

  • Access to Retreat Recordings: Missed a moment or want to revisit a transformative session? (Available for 72 hours)

  • Companion Workbook: This isn’t just any workbook. It’s your roadmap, filled with exercises, notes, and reflections that align with each session, designed to deepen your learning and application.

  • Direct Zoom Link Access: No overcrowded webinars here. Enjoy close-knit, direct access that makes it feel like you're right there in the room with us, enabling a personal connection and real-time interaction.

  • Visibility Strategy + Coaching with Carrie: Benefit from personalized coaching sessions with Carrie, your guide and mentor on this journey.

  • Access to 5 Experts to help you move faster

  • Actionable Bonuses that will uplift you and provide practical tools for continued growth and visibility

Today's Price


Disclaimer: this presentation is entirely free. You will get actionable steps to create a consistent quality content plan. Results are not guaranteed or typical—in fact, only about 30% of folks who sign up for things like this even attend. At the end of the presentation, a program will be offered for purchase. You will have access to all this content & the replays until March 4th 2024. By submitting your email address on this website, you're authorizing our company to send you information and promotional messages via email.

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